Melbourne based mortgage broker. Think IntelliLoans.

Think of the benefits of teaming up.

The banks have thousands of staff and slick marketing, but you’ve got brains on your side. Our experience helps you filter what the banks are offering. Let’s think it through together, and act with intelligence.

Unleash your property potential and save money while you're at it.

It’s home loans the smart way.

Meet Nirlep Kalra

With many years of experience, Nirlep’s passion is to:

  • unleash your potential in the property market

  • help you clarify your property portfolio to work less and spend more time with your family

  • help you make the most of the financial gains you have already made

  • declutter the marketing mambo-jumbo and distill the facts so you know where you stand financially to repay mortgages and maximise returns

  • put you in a position to achieve financial peace of mind

  • retire right

Nirlep is a financial services and financial planning advisor with experience across multiple industries. His passion is helping families achieve their financial goals.

“The dream to own a home is universal, and for many people home ownership and the development of their property portfolio will be their biggest financial investment.

The good news is that information is power, and there are savings and opportunities to be leveraged. Empowering my clients with this information is my passion - to see hard working families get ahead simply because they have the best information to make decisions, to save thousands on fees and interest rates, which is money they can direct toward other investments, and to access loans sooner, enabling them to build wealth quicker. Working together with the right information is crucial.

In my spare time I volunteer for the Australian Army Reserves, and I know the best way to achieve an outcome is through team work. This is no different."

IntelliLoans sifts through lenders, so you don’t have to.

We think you’ll love IntelliLoans too

Money doesn’t grow on trees.
But it can grow.

Nirlep is also a specialist financial planner. Would you like help growing your financial opportunities?